“They’re expected to travel pretty frequently and as long as they are located close enough to an office, that’s generally accepted,” shared Three Arc Advisory’s Meghan Anzelc in today’s P&C Specialist article, “Navigating a Challenge: People Today Rarely Relocate for […]
Balancing Short-Term Demands with Long-Term Goals in General Manager
Today’s article “How Do you Balance Short-Term Performance Pressures With Long-Term Strategic Goals?” features perspectives from Three Arc Advisory’s Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. Regularly Review Short and Long-Term Goals She shares, “One of the best ways I’ve found to balance short-term […]
Cybersecurity and AI Challenges in CSO Online
In today’s CSO Online article, “SAP security holes raise questions about the rush to AI,” Dr. Anzelc shares her thoughts on the cross-functional challenges of cybersecurity and AI. “AI cybersecurity issues are a combination of different areas of expertise not […]
Team Building Exercises That Work in Fast Company
In Fast Company’s article “10 unconventional team-building activities that actually work,” published today, Three Arc Advisory’s Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. shared a successful exercise she used with her team. “Highlight/Lowlight” exercise “One team I led had recently been formed, and the […]
Inspiring Teams to Innovate in Fast Company
In today’s article, “How to inspire your staff without burning them out,” published by Fast Company, Meghan Anzelc, PhD. was quoted on one of her experiences providing her team opportunities for creativity and innovation while still delivering business value. Provide […]
Intergenerational Workforce in Fast Company
In a Fast Company article published today, “An 18-point playbook to combat age discrimination at work,” Dr. Anzelc shared her unique perspective on the multi-generational workforce and how the different generations can use curiosity to better understand each other’s perspectives. […]
Managing Through Organizational Transitions in OrganizationalDevelopment.org
Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. shared her experiences with OrganizationalDevelopment.org in the article “How Can You Maintain Morale During Tough Organizational Transitions?“ “Acknowledge Transition Challenges: “One strategy that has been effective is to recognize and acknowledge that it is a difficult transition. […]
Upskilling Approaches in Fast Company
In a recent Fast Company article, “More than half of employees don’t get a chance to upskill at work. Here’s how to help,” Dr. Anzelc shared her perspectives on cost-effective approaches to upskilling for companies to employ. Set time blocks […]
AI in Healthcare, The Association for Healthcare Risk Management of New York
In the most recent newsletter of The Association for Healthcare Risk Management of New York (AHRMNY), Bonnie Boone, Executive Vice President at J.P. West interviewed our own Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. on the topic of “How AI Will Impact Healthcare Risk […]
Ethical Technology Strategy in CTO Sync
Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. shared her perspective on the question “How Do Chief Technology Officers Ensure Ethical Considerations in Technology Strategies?” published today. “Involve Diverse Experts and Assess Risks: “Include a diverse set of experts (compliance, risk, IT, business stakeholders) in […]