Today’s article “How Do you Balance Short-Term Performance Pressures With Long-Term Strategic Goals?” features perspectives from Three Arc Advisory’s Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D.
Regularly Review Short and Long-Term Goals
She shares, “One of the best ways I’ve found to balance short-term performance pressures with long-term strategic goals is to regularly step back and review both. I do this in a few different ways. Every three months, I set aside three hours to review my long-term strategic goals and reflect on how I’ve spent my time the past few months. This lets me adjust the long-term goals if something critical has shifted and assess how well I am spending my time and effort towards achieving those goals. Sometimes I find I have been too short-term focused and have lost sight of the longer-term strategy, and this quarterly check-in provides an opportunity to adjust going forward.
“I also review on a weekly basis how well I’m striking this balance. I quickly scan the prior week’s meetings, activities, and accomplishments, and can easily see if I am over-indexing on short-term performance. Of course, sometimes this is necessary, whether because of an unanticipated challenge or change in urgent priorities. This brief weekly review has been helpful to be mindful of how and where I’m spending my time and make small adjustments when needed.
“Setting aside time to reflect on a regular basis has been crucial to my ability to appropriately balance short-term and long-term performance and goals.”
Read the full article on GeneralManager.io here.