Meghan Anzelc, Ph.D. shared her perspective on a comprehensive ethical recruiting strategy in today’s article “Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Recruitment.”

“Ethical considerations are critical for AI applications in recruitment, including appropriately balancing ethics and compliance with ROI when making build vs. buy decisions. Much of the data available to train AI recruitment models is biased—for example, historically, C-suite executives have been overwhelmingly white and male—and this requires careful consideration in the design and use of AI tools to aid recruitment.

“There are a range of aspects to address, including ensuring data used to train AI tools is ethically sourced, solutions are monitored and audited for ethical alignment during build and after launch, and policies are in place to mitigate existing biases and ensure biases are not amplified.

“Organizations can begin to address these challenges by 1) crafting guidelines for AI in recruitment that align with the company’s ethical standards and frameworks, 2) continuously monitoring ethical alignment throughout the build, assessment and ongoing usage, and 3) providing mechanisms for users and builders alike to raise potential ethical issues and a means to address them.

“There is a significant positive opportunity to use AI within recruitment, provided appropriate care and a thoughtful approach to ethical challenges are considered by builders and users alike.”

Read the full article on RecruitingDaily.